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Meet Luminary Member, Monica Kline


Tell us a bit about yourself! How did you get started with your current career path/business journey?

My career started out working for Fortune 500 companies, Toshiba and Canon, working in the Consumer Electronics space. When comparing how far we have come with technology, you can say I most definitely have seen the trends change. What has not changed is; how we use technology. As it is still a integral part of our success, no matter if building a business or a personal brand.
After the tragic events of 9/11, it was a life defining moment for so many, which is when I re-evaluated my career path and decided to pivot. I relentlessly pursued my passion of getting into the beauty industry. Knowing I would in essence be starting at the bottom, I signed with a beauty brand as a ‘Marketing Manager” in my native home of Southern California.
Bringing my knowledge and expertise to a different industry, while thinking outside the box was an environment I thrived in. During these 13-years, I was tenacious in my pursuit of success (or, what I thought success was at that time) and climbed from Marketing Manager to Vice President.
This period was instrumental in my career as I was not only holding a domestic position, but handling business relationships internationally. These distant lands were the launchpad for where I am today.
Having conducted business in several countries takes understanding of cultural differences, which enhanced my perspective on international business, not only in Branding, Sales and PR, but in ALL aspects of business. Not to mention, I was also managing multi-million dollar budgets. The knowledge and experience I gained has been instrumental and put to practical use since becoming a business owner.
A motto I live by is; “You must always be evolving to remain relevant”. I love a challenge and pushing myself outside of my comfort zone. In 2013, I did exactly that and made the decision to leave my comfortable lifestyle in Southern CA and set my eyes on the energetic; New York City.
Upon arriving in New York City, I quickly learned that “visiting” NYC is very different from LIVING here. I rolled up my sleeves and signed up for my real life lessons on life, love, business, and grittiness; that only this city can offer.

How are you overcoming challenges during the pandemic as a business owner?

In 2018 I strategically added a digital agency to my repertoire of business services. I have worked in a traditional business model of exchanging time for money with my branding agency. I knew in order to make a bigger impact, I need to have a bigger footprint, the only way to successfully achieve this was to go digital. I took the avenue of digital course creation.

During the start of the quarantine in my home in NYC, I had already written 3 courses that I was planning to slowly release. In 105-days of “lock down”, I revamped my business plan and pushed up my launch dates for the courses, which have to do with mindset, launching your own online course and my signature program is ‘How To Build Your Brand in 30-Days”.

As many have been reassessing their own businesses, or making the leap into entrepreneurship, I found the demand to be high with others wanting to launch their business but not knowing where to begin. I give them the step by step blueprint on how, while offering multiple touchpoints to monetize swiftly. For those wanting to launch their own courses, I also offer a course creation offering. By adding these services during the climate we are living in, I am able to guide more women towards creating their own financial freedom in an uncertain time.

What behavior or personality trait do you most attribute your success to, and why?

I am often told I am tenacious and FEARLESS when it comes to pursuing my passions and building my business.

I was blessed by two loving parents who instilled a strong work ethic and me and taught me that I could have anything I wanted if I worked for it. I have never forgotten the sacrifices they made for me, and I work smart and work hard to accomplish the vision I have for my life. Everything I do is to create my family legacy.

I recently lost my Father amidst this quarantine and everything I do now, has so much more meaning when it comes to building legacy brands.

What’s a mistake you made early on in your career, and what did you learn from it?

I said yes to everyone as a client. I had to learn the hard way that not everyone is a good fit. Now, I make sure that my clients core values are aligned with mine and have learned to say no to signing clients who are not a good fit.

What’s one professional skill you’re currently working on?

Becoming a writer. I am taking an amazing class offered by another Luminary, this is my second time in her course and I am loving it while learning more about my skill set!


In what ways are you taking care of your personal well being and what are your #selfcare tips?

I have a daily mindset regimen. I consider working on your mindset like brushing your teeth, the more sugar you consume (or toxicity from negative thinking), the more you need to tend to it. After mindset, I practice meditation. Silencing your mind gives you the ability to write your own story, creating a life you love. I get my sweat on with my quarantine splurge, a Peloton bike.


How are you inviting others to take a seat at the table #virtually?

I love being generous, when I come across women who are stumbling with launching a business, or how to add additional revenue streams to their current business, I invite them in for a strategy session, as I am confident that I will help them grow to the next level.


What impact has Luminary made in your career? eg: Business Generated, Revenue, New Clients, Career Connections, Advancement Opportunities 

The overall energy that I feel as soon as I enter, combined with the sense of community of women from all demographics gathering to make the world a better place by empowering more women to use their voice and support eachother while doing so.
